The Killboard

This is the EVE Development Network Killboard running version (July 2019 1.0), created for EVE Online corporations and alliances. Based on the EVE-Killboard created by rig0r, it is now developed and maintained by the EVE-Dev group.

All EVE graphics and data used are property of CCP.

eve-dev logo

Current developers:
Mini Mooo, Salvoxia, Fuegor
Previous developers:
Beansman, Captain Thunk, FriedRoadKill, Hon Kovell, Idun, Ralle030583, exi, mastergamer
Coni, EDG, JaredC01, Karbowiak, Mitchman, Snitch Ashor, bunjiboys, liquidism

This killboard currently contains: 123634 killmails, 129429 pilots, 67578 corporations and 5902 alliances.

Theme: GIS Theme
GIS Theme by Vecati
Download GIS here.

Do not remove or edit either the footer or copyright.
Mods used:
Purpose unknown
Cyno/Cloak Mod
Highlight Capitals
highlights (Super)Capital kills/losses in killlisttables
Meta Information Header
Integration for Web-Services like Slack, Twitter
Purpose unknown
Purpose unknown
Ship Display Tool
Displays Ship stats on the kill detials page
by Spark's
Signature Generator
Generates signature images showing most kill information by a pilot.
Core distribution mod.
Kills & Real kills
'Kills' - The count of all kills by an entity.
'Real kills' - This is the count of recorded kills minus any pod, shuttle and noobship kills.
The 'Real kills' value is used throughout all award and statistic pages.

Kill points
Administrator option.

If enabled, every kill is assigned a point value. Based on the shiptype destroyed, and the number and types of ships involved in the kill, the number of points indicates the difficulty of the kill. As a result, a gank will get a lot less points awarded than a kill in a small engagement.

Efficiency is calculated as the ratio of damage done in ISK of ship and modules versus the damage received in ISK. This comes down to damagedone / (damagedone + damagereceived ) * 100.

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