Alliance: None CEO:
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 0 Members: 1
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 0%
Efficiency: 0% Website: http://
"The Work of an Empire. The Center of Intelligence."


ICIA’s information, insights, and actions consistently provide tactical and strategic advantage for the Amarr Empire.


Preempt threats and further Empire security objectives by collecting intelligence that matters, producing objective all-source analysis, conducting effective covert action as directed by the Emperor, and safeguarding the secrets that help keep our Empire safe.


The officers of the ICIA are guided by a professional ethos that is the sum of our abiding principles, core values, and highest aspirations. This ethos holds us on course as we exercise the extraordinary influence and authorities with which we have been entrusted to protect the Empire and advance its interests. ICIA’s ethos has many dimensions, including:

We put our Empire first, Agency before unit, and mission before self. We take pride in being diverse, inclusive, agile, responsive, and consequential.

We uphold the highest standards of lawful conduct. We are truthful and forthright, and we provide information and analysis without institutional or political
bias. We maintain the Empire’s trust through accountability and oversight.

We bring the best of our diverse backgrounds and expertise to everything we do. We are self-aware, reflecting on our performance and learning from it.
We strive to give all officers the tools, experiences, and leadership they need to excel.

We accomplish difficult, high-stakes, often dangerous tasks. In executing mission, we carefully manage risk but we do not shy away from it. We value
sacrifice and honor our fallen.

We stand by and behind one another. Collaboration, both internal and external, underpins our best outcomes. Diversity and inclusion are mission imperatives.

We preserve our ability to obtain secrets by protecting sources and methods from the moment we enter on duty until our last breath.

Key Challenges

*Close intelligence gaps with enhanced collection and analysis on the universe, non-imperial actors, and issues most critical to the Emperor and senior imperial security team.

*Fulfill our universal mission to give customers decision advantage as they confront an unprecedented volume and diversity of universalwide developments that affect Amarr Empire interests.

*Leverage technological advances for better performance in all mission areas—collection, analysis, covert action, and counterintelligence—while protecting against technological threats to the security of our information, operations, and officers.

*Improve the ways we attract, develop, and retain talent to maximize each ICIA officer’s potential to contribute to achieving mission.

*Better manage Agency resources during a period of fiscal austerity.

Our History

After the assault on Empress Jamyl Sarum I in Safizon in YC117, Court Chamberlain of the Empire Pomik Haromi gathered heads of all branches of the Imperial Armed Forces and the Imperial government to Dam Torsad. During this meeting the High-Command and few senior Imperial security advisors formed a task force.
After the win of Lord
Kelon Darklight and his retainers, Lucian IV, Maxine Antilles and Wasa Qc in the Imperial Succession Trials, Majesty Catiz Tash-Murkon immediatly signed decree S.2645 to grant full financial and technical support to the ICIA by all means. As Head of the newly formed Agency Kron Karetta of the renowned Karetta family was nominated.

After the unresolved heist of
IQUIT FLYSAFEo7 of Maxine Antilles' Gold Magnate and the loss of this beautiful ship, the ICIA is asigned to counter insurgents in the Amarr Imperium aswell. Ther will be no mercy on traitors even in amarrian lines.
10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses

No data.

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