Alliance: None CEO:
Kills: 0 HQ:
Losses: 1 Members: 18
ISK destroyed: 0.00B Shares: 1000
ISK lost: 0.00B Tax Rate: 1%
Efficiency: 0% Website:
MATURE & Friendly PLAYERS ONLY!!!!!!

Newbies and veterans welcome.

Don't go it alone, join Sum Corp. Not just any corp either. but Sum Corp.

Sum Corp.
is a small and growing corp that aims to enjoy all aspects of EVE Online, but Piracy (We are too mature for childish games), We are expecially needing PVPers so we can move to sov null space, but all fields are welcome.
If you're looking for a friendly environment in a hellish EVE universe, want to make insane isk, participate in real small fleet pvp and not boring gate camps, then
SUMCO is the corp for you!

What we offer:

- Free will: do what you want, when u want, EXCEPT PIRACY
- Newbies and Veterans welcome
- All time zones welcome. (Our alliance is Aussie based & our corp is US based)
- TS3 Server
- Home in NPC nullsec, until we get our own sovereignty, in an active nullsec Alliance with lots of PVP and industry opportunities
- Small fleet roams, not just boring gate camping (Seriously! Wherre is the fun in that? the challenge? Predaotr/Hunters like cats, canines, & birds roam & track & even set traps. Lurkers & parasites just sit & wait & take what comes along)
- No PVP experience? NO PROBLEM... we will train you in PVP and in any other field you need help in
- Opportunities to make insane isk
- Exploration and PVE fleets
- Mining fleets with boosts
- Access to tools and help from veteran players with 12+ yrs experience in all fields & areas of EVE
- Family friendly enviroment, including in coms (No immature, frathouse brats who act their shoe size allowed)
- Real Life comes 1st, so we do not expel inactives for a year, unless we are informed as to the reason of inactivity.

What we require:

- Full API key, NO EXPIRY - MANDATORY! (Put a check in the "No Expiry" box, and select "All" in all fields)
Please fill out our application: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1rm-JlfLd9AfB69f61-vs0IPxJl8ySpEzRj1SjECQIBU/viewform Use out of game browser
Desire to make isk.
- Commitment to have fun.
- Positive & friendly attitude.
- Honesty & Respect.
- Maturity
- RL comes first.
- No Pirating (Piracy is cowardness. To attack the defensless poses no challenge & no risk & offers no chance for growth. Pirates & CODE are only elementary school bullies who were not breast fed by or told they were loved enough by their mother or abused by their parentss so they try to find a delusional & false sense of identity and acceptance through cowardly & abusive actions, just the same as wife beaters, child molesters, and child abusers. They relish in others pain and tears because they are too afraid and immature to show their own emotion. That is why they throw tantrums when they don't get their way, because they never grow. Pirates are to be pitied, not feared. [Alport, Ellis, Fromm, Freud, & Reeves]) BUT, without evil, there can be no good. Be a real person who challenges him/herself and grows. We want the confident in our ranks, not the weak-minded cowards

Questions? Join: Sum Public Chat Channel and help yourself to free Cheetos, Mt. Dew, and Root Beer; and our alliance public channel -SMP- Public

Kali Fornya & Sum Gai Recruiters: Ann O'Molly & Mickeal Winchester Tornadosmite

10 Most recent kills

No data.

10 Most recent losses

No data.

14 queries SQL time 0.0089s, Total time 0.4186s