Men's 'Curate' Coat (festive)
This festive outerwear signifies the wearer's regal nature. With a tattoo of golden decorations on a maroon red background, as befits a person who is charged with the caretaking of innumerable souls, on their crew and elsewhere - along with, occasionally, ushering them to their maker - it is an undeniable statement of purpose in this dark and dangerous world. The wearer, it says, is not afraid to attract the attention of others, be they admiring or antagonistic; for he follows a mandate greater than that of any mortal man, and he will not, ever, under any circumstances, be stopped.
Cargo capacity 0 m3
Mass 1 kg
Volume 0.1 m3
Baseprice 0 ISK
Gender 1 1=Male 2=Unisex 3=Fe
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