portrait    Corporation: Fritz..
   Alliance: The Initiative.
   Kills: 173
   Real kills: 173
   Losses: 0
   ISK destroyed: 179.11B
   ISK lost: 0B
   Chance of enemy survival: 0%
   Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 100%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location Value
Amarr Control Tower
POS Large
Outer Passage, 90-A1P (0.0)
I: 41 C: 0
288 m
Caldari Control Tower
POS Large
Test Alliance Please Ignore
Pure Blind, OE-9UF (0.0)
I: 151 C: 0
302 m
Caldari Control Tower
POS Large
SpaceMonkey's Alliance
Branch, F-9F6Q (0.0)
I: 433 C: 0
302 m
Caldari Control Tower
POS Large
SpaceMonkey's Alliance
Branch, F-9F6Q (0.0)
I: 320 C: 0
302 m
Minmatar Control Tower
POS Large
-Mostly Harmless-
Fade, 8QMO-E (0.0)
I: 85 C: 0
313 m
Amarr Control Tower
POS Large
The Remnant Legion
Pure Blind, EC-P8R (0.0)
I: 60 C: 0
302 m
Minmatar Control Tower
POS Large
Morsus Mihi
Pure Blind, C-H9X7 (0.0)
I: 11 C: 0
313 m
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points

42 queries SQL time 0.0196s, Total time 0.2913s