portrait    Corporation: Aliastra
   Alliance: None
   Kills: 57
   Real kills: 57
   Losses: 0
   ISK destroyed: 7.73B
   ISK lost: 0B
   Chance of enemy survival: 0%
   Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 100%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location Value
Strategic Cruiser
Darkness of Despair
Catch, KW-I6T (0.0)
I: 133 C: 0
341 m
Catch, KW-I6T (0.0)
I: 160 C: 0
271 m
Darkness of Despair
Scalding Pass, H5N-V7 (0.0)
I: 10 C: 0
58 m
White Noise Generation Battery
POS Module
Dragon Soul Alliance
Aridia, Esaeel (0.1)
I: 71 C: 0
4 m
Warp Scrambling Battery
POS Module
Dragon Soul Alliance
Aridia, Esaeel (0.1)
I: 71 C: 0
3 m
Warp Scrambling Battery
POS Module
Dragon Soul Alliance
Aridia, Esaeel (0.1)
I: 71 C: 0
3 m
Ion Field Projection Battery
POS Module
Dragon Soul Alliance
Aridia, Esaeel (0.1)
I: 71 C: 0
4 m
Small Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Dragon Soul Alliance
Aridia, Esaeel (0.1)
I: 71 C: 0
2 m
Small Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Dragon Soul Alliance
Aridia, Esaeel (0.1)
I: 71 C: 0
2 m
Small Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Dragon Soul Alliance
Aridia, Esaeel (0.1)
I: 71 C: 0
2 m
10 Most recent losses

No data.

Kill points

43 queries SQL time 0.0537s, Total time 0.3384s