portrait    Corporation: Fistful of Finns
   Alliance: None
   Kills: 332
   Real kills: 332
   Losses: 3
   ISK destroyed: 102.01B
   ISK lost: 0.72B
   Chance of enemy survival: 0.9%
   Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 99.3%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location Value
Tactical Narcotics Team
Black Rise, Martoh (0.4)
I: 105 C: 0
91 m
Recon Ship
Goonswarm Federation
Black Rise, Martoh (0.4)
I: 119 C: 0
257 m
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 36 C: 0
4 m
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 36 C: 0
4 m
Small Beam Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 36 C: 0
2 m
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 36 C: 0
4 m
Medium Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 34 C: 0
4 m
Small Beam Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 36 C: 0
2 m
Small Pulse Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 34 C: 0
2 m
Small Beam Laser Battery
POS Module
Suddenly Spaceships.
The Forge, Uemon (0.2)
I: 34 C: 0
2 m
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location Value
Logistics Cruiser
Controlled Chaos
Detorid, U0W-DR (0.0)
I: 122 C: 0
233 m
Logistics Cruiser
Controlled Chaos
Detorid, U0W-DR (0.0)
I: 136 C: 0
233 m
Controlled Chaos
Fade, C8-CHY (0.0)
I: 29 C: 0
252 m
Kill points
Loss points
Total points

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