portrait    Corporation: Thunder Mercenary Army
   Alliance: Polaris Mercenary Alliance
   Kills: 71
   Real kills: 71
   Losses: 2
   ISK destroyed: 11.96B
   ISK lost: 0.4B
   Chance of enemy survival: 2.74%
   Pilot Efficiency (ISK): 96.73%
10 Most recent kills
Ship type Victim Final blow Location Value
Industrial Command Ship
Pandemic Horde
Geminate, VSJ-PP (0.0)
I: 12 C: 0
854 m
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
The Gorgon Empire
Scalding Pass, HJ-BCH (0.0)
I: 101 C: 0
79 m
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
The Gorgon Empire
Scalding Pass, IAK-JW (0.0)
I: 111 C: 0
79 m
Infrastructure Hub
Infrastructure Modules
The Gorgon Empire
Scalding Pass, IAK-JW (0.0)
I: 96 C: 0
348 m
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
Goonswarm Federation
Fountain, EI-O0O (0.0)
I: 230 C: 0
92 m
Territorial Claim Unit
Territory Modules
Goonswarm Federation
Fountain, EI-O0O (0.0)
I: 230 C: 0
161 m
Sovereignty Blockade Unit
Territory Modules
Goonswarm Federation
Fountain, Z9PP-H (0.0)
I: 289 C: 0
168 m
Sovereignty Blockade Unit
Territory Modules
Goonswarm Federation
Fountain, A8-XBW (0.0)
I: 285 C: 0
168 m
RAZOR Alliance
Fountain, Z30S-A (0.0)
I: 69 C: 0
247 m
Logistics Cruiser
RAZOR Alliance
Fountain, Z30S-A (0.0)
I: 71 C: 0
160 m
10 Most recent losses
Ship type Victim Final blow Location Value
Polaris Mercenary Alliance
The Forge, Akora (0.3)
I: 3 C: 0
404 m
Kill points
Loss points
Total points

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